Halloween Shop: The Haunted West

Halloween Shop: The Haunted West

Ride 'em, cowgirl. These leather and fringe-adorned styles bring a devilishly sultry flare to any classic cowgirl costume. Featuring our iconic Hendrix Collection, your Halloween look is guaranteed the best in the west. Lasso not included. 

Hendrix Faux Leather & Fringe Garter Belt - Frederick's of Hollywood Elaina Platform Mule Heel - Black Hendrix Faux Leather & Fringe Chemise - Frederick's of Hollywood Hendrix Faux Leather & Fringe Crotchless Teddy - Frederick's of Hollywood Hendrix Rising Star Fringe Plunge Push Up Bra - Frederick's of Hollywood Elaina Platform Mule Heel - Red Natalia Micro Lace Up Front Thong Hendrix Faux Leather With Detachable Fringe Thong - Frederick's of Hollywood Rhinestud Fishnets - Frederick's of Hollywood Laurent Heel - Red Hendrix Faux Leather With Detachable Fringe Thong - Frederick's of Hollywood Natalia Micro Lace Up Plunge Push Up Bra - Frederick's of Hollywood